1) Together with the partisans liberate the captured Red Army general.
- Hmm, dunno how to keep the partisans alive long enough to complete this
objective... Thankfully, that doesn't seem to keep you from winning the
mission. If you know how to actually complete this objective, please let me
2) Capture German armored vehicles located in the village and use them to
break out from the encirclement.
- You can trigger this objective in one of two ways - enter the base in the
north-west corner or put a soldier into the German engineering vehicle in the
north-east corner. If you choose the first method, you'll have to deal with a
massive counter-attack of German tanks and soldiers. If you choose the second
option, all you'll have to do is drive the vehicle down to the area between the
lake and the monastery to finish the mission. Take your pick.
3) Use an engineer vehicle to get to Point X.
- Once you've dealt with the majority of the German counter-attack, put a
soldier into the odd-looking German vehicle that was next two the two Tigers.
Drive it down to the area between the lake and the ruined monastery to finish
the mission. Note that the engineering vehicle can drive through minefields
without getting destroyed.
4) Masha Borovitskaya must survive the mission.
- If she dies, you fail.
5) Dmitry Shevtsov must survive the mission.
- If he dies, you fail.
6) Vasily Mikhailov must survive the mission.
- If he dies, you fail.
1) Eliminate an elite SS army detatchment at the ruined monastery.
- You'll notice there's a deserted monastery east of your starting position.
The Panther and SDKs around it will make it a difficult target for your
soldiers, so I recommend you wait until you've got control of one of the gray
Panthers from the north-western base before you attempt to complete this.
6 Soldiers (Dmitry Shevtsov, Leonid Chernyshev, Masha Borovitskaya, Ivan Popov,
Vasily Mikhailov, and Ivan Boyko)
The four partisans always get slaughtered no matter what I do... but
thankfully, it doesn't prevent you from finishing the mission. I suggest you
just retreat all of your soldiers directly to the east to the other side of the
forest by the lake. Transfer all of your anti-tank grenades to Masha, then
send her and a machine gunner north. Have the machine gunner take care of the
Germans around the roadblock slightly north-east of the small farm, then send
him back down to your other soldiers where it's safe.
Send Masha to the large hay field south of the German base in the north-west.
Use her rifle to pick off the southern-most guard towers, then make her lay in
the hay on the far right side. Fire a shot at the lower Panther inside the
base, and it should come down to find you (the second one proably will, too).
Immediately crawl somewhere else in the hay, and they shouldn't be able to find
you. They'll mill around for a while, but they should eventually stop - and if
you're lucky, they'll stop fairly far away from each other, making it much
easier to pick them each off.
Make sure the hoard of soldiers that come out of the base aren't going to see
you, then sneak up on one of the stopped Panthers and toss an anti-tank
grenade on its engine. Slaughter the crew and any other Germans your attack
attracted, then take out the second Panther if possible. One of them will have
a repair kit in it, so fix it up and crew it with four of your guys. Raid the
heavy machine gun bullets out of the other one and add them to the cargo.
Now you have two choices:
I) wipe out the forces in the north-western base, then enter it to trigger the
second primary objective. The resulting counter-attack will require you to
be very well-prepared to defend yourself.
II) Skip the north-western base entirely and trigger the next two objectives
simply by getting in the German engineering vehicle in the north-east
[If you want to go with the first option, continue reading. If you'd like to
take the (much faster and easier) option, skip down to the slightly indented
section slightly below this paragraph.]
Use the Panther to take out as much stuff in the base as you can, but don't get
anywhere near it - you won't want to trigger the next mission objective yet.
Once you've got the base fairly clear, head down to the monastery and crush the
elite German combat unit to complete the secondary objective. From there, head
north and assault the German defenses in the village. Watch out for the
minefields, though - you can see the edges near the small signs.
Carefully eliminate everything near the abandoned German vehicles, then send
all of your troops up there. You'll have to repair and refuel both Tigers and
the engineering vehicle. Crew each Tiger with three troops, then turn them
both to the west to face the German base. Drive one of them over there, and
set the other one to Fire at Will. When you get inside the base, the German
counter-attack will be triggered. Immediately pull the Tiger back towards your
second one, then defend yourself there.
Tons of German infantry and quite a few heavy tanks will enter the map. Most
of the infantry will probably follow your Tiger as it leaves the base, but the
tanks will likely stay behind. Hunt them down if you'd like, or just send some
of your men into the third abandoned vehicle next to your Tigers. It's the
engineering vehicle - fix it and fuel it if necessary, then drive it down to
the area between the lake and the monastery to complete the mission. Note that
it can drive through minefields without being destroyed.
If you'd like to take the easier approach, simply skip attacking the
north-western base at all and take your Panther directly down to the
monastery. Crush the elite German defenders there to complete the
secondary objective, then turn north and assault the village. Watch out
for the minefields in the areas surrounded by signs, though - a single
mine will pulverize your Panther and kill everyone inside.
Once the village and the small depot north of it are clear, occupy the
German engineering vehicle. Repair it and fuel it if necessary, then move
it down to the area between the lake and the monastery to complete the
mission. Note that the engineering vehicle can drive over mines without
taking any damage.