Mission 2 - Deliver a Prisoner



1)  Force a breach in the enemy's fortifications and secure the vehicle's safe
    passage through the frontline.

 - Basically, you need to eliminate every German that's in range of the main
road heading north, including everyone in the two closest trench sections.

2)  The vehicle is running out of fuel.  Find fuel in the German depots.

 - The depot to the west is unfortunately very well-defended.  You'll have to
secure it, then shoot the lock on the gate in the north-west corner to gain
entrance.  There's a gas can in one of the crates on the east side of the
depot - take it and use it to take some gas out of one of the German vehicles,
then put the can into a vehicle's cargo space and drive the vehicle back to
your car.  Take the can out and use it to fuel the car to end the mission.

3)  Igor Veselov must survive.

 - If he dies, you fail.

4)  Sergey Samuilov must survive.

 - If he dies, you fail.

5)  The car must not be destroyed.

 - You can damage it, but if it gets completely destroyed, you fail.  Oddly
enough, the prisoner doesn't need to survive, but the driver does.  If the
driver gets killed, it qualifies as the car being destroyed.


2 Soldiers (Igor Veselov and Sergey Samuilov)


There's a repair kit in this mission if you raid the tent area under the line
of self-propelled artillery, but it's very well-defended.  If you're very
patient and feeling lucky, start the mission by making an assault on the camp
to get the repair kit, but keep in mind that when you get near the tents, a
hoard of infantry will exit them.  The main threat is the Pz III and the other
vehicles in the area.  If you can pick off the Pz III and get to the cover of
the trees before the other vehicles manage to catch up to you, you'll have a
good chance of finishing them off and getting to the camp to grab the repair
kit.  Otherwise, you're pretty much screwed.

I suggest just forget about the repair kit (for now, anyway) and start by
assaulting the depot to the west of your starting position.  Combine your two
soldiers' inventories together, taking the small machine gun, its bullets, all
four grenades, and all of the bandages.  Send the soldier to the lower-left
corner of the depot in the trees.

See the guard tower?  The two on this side of the depot are manned, the two on
the other side aren't.  The lower one should be your first priority, but as
soon as you fire at it, there'll be a slew of Germans ready to blast you.  Stay
to the right of the tower at all times, and you'll be able to avoid the upper
tower's line of fire.

Deal with the motorcycle and patrols when they show up, then spend some time
picking off soldiers inside the depot.  Be careful where you fire, though - you
want to avoid alerting either tank if at all possible.  The five heavy soldiers
on patrol outside of the depot have molotovs and body armor - grab some as
early as you can.  The molotovs will make short work of the two nearby tanks.

When you've cleared out most of the depot (or at least most of the lower part),
return to the forest south of the depot and draw the lower tank's attention by
firing a few rounds at it.  Immediately retreat farther south into the forest,
then get a molotov ready.  The tank will have trouble seeing you down here, so
as long as you can move sideways far enough, it won't be able to hit you.  Wait
for it to drive straight forward for a while, then toss the molotov into the
trees around it.  The resulting fire will knock out the tank (and usually catch
the crew on fire on their way out).

Finish clearing out the depot from the south if there're still Germans in it,
then approach the northern tank from the west side of the depot.  Wait for its
turret to point as far away from you as possible, then step out and toss
another molotov at it.  Raid dead Germans (or the crate in the upper-left of
the depot) for hand grenades, then prepare to assault the stationary guns south
of the trench lines.

Start with the anti-aircraft gun on the far left.  Crawl up to it, then toss a
slightly cooked grenade at it to ensure that all of the occupants are killed.
Repeat the process with the larger gun directly to the right of this one, then
move south again towards your car.  Your next target is the tank on the right
side of the road near the water.

Carefully approach it from the trees below, then step out and toss another
molotov on it.  You'll probably need to run back into the trees right after
that, though - there're probably still quite a few troops lingering around the
area.  Slaughter them in the forest, then raid them for more grenades if

Time to take out a few more of those mounted guns.  Return to the small lake,
then jump in and swim to the ridge on the other side.  From here, you'll have
good approach angles on two more guns.  Take out the one in the sandbags first,
then retreat to the ridge before the field gun gets the chance to fire at you.
If any soldiers were alerted by your attack, wait by the water until you can
get rid of them, then deal with the motorcycle and troops to the right of the
lake if they're still there.

If they aren't, go ahead and carefully sneak to the right until you have a good
angle at the field gun to the north.  Grenade it, then carefully return to the
lake and wait.  There're two more guns close to the road that you haven't dealt
with yet, but they're close together and don't have much cover below them.
You'll need to toss two grenades at nearly the same time to take them both out
before they can turn and fire at you.

Send your second soldier up to meet your first, then make sure they're both
armed with a grenade.  Position them in the small bush south of the guns, then
have one of them toss a grenade at the field gun.  Don't wait for it to
explode - immediately switch to the second soldier and toss his grenade at the
second gun.  Be ready to machine gun any survivors incase something goes wrong,
then retreat both soldiers back to your car.

All you have to do now is clear out the two sections of trench closest to the
road.  Unfortunately, there's not really an easy way to do it...  my suggestion
is to sneak one of your soldiers along the very bottom of the map until you're
below and to the right of the second German camp area.  Head north along the
right side of the screen, quickly eliminate the group of soldiers there, and
continue to the north.

You'll need to take out another set of guns inside some sandbags, so crawl up
to it from the right side and toss a grenade in there.  Quickly stand up and
run straight north along the extreme right edge of the screen until you're out
of range of the soldiers in the trench.  Now you can run due west along the top
of the map until you reach the group of deserted vehicles in the north-western
corner of the map.  The KV-1's turret is damaged, but the tanks itself is still
fully operational.  Jump inside from the north, then quickly drive it away from
the trenches.

You can use this thing to eliminate most of the Germans in the two trenches
closest to the the main road, but it'll be annoying without the ability to move
your turret.  You'll need to manually aim it by moving the tank, but it can
still be done.  You can also approach the abandoned Tiger right in front of the
trench lines by the road.  It's got a broken tread, but the turret is fully
operational - you can use it to slaughter anything you couldn't get with the

Once the trenches closest to the road are completely free of Germans, you'll be
given a new mission objective.  Return your second soldier to your car, then
get the second one over to the depot on the left side of the map.  Shoot the
lock on the gate to open it if you haven't already, then check the crates on
the right side to find a gas can.  Use it to take some gas from one of the
German vehicles in the depot (or one of the abandoned vehicles to the north if
there aren't any intact in the depot), then return to your car with the gas.
Put it in the car, and the mission will be complete.
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